
Relaxing Tea

A Tea to calm restless minds.

$10.00 (20 g)

Relaxing Tea contains:

This herb has long been used for easing anxiety as well as soothing digestive systems. It has a calming effect on both the nervous and digestive systems. When brewed in a tea, it is delicious and brings a sense of well being.

Lemon Balm:
This herb is a tonic for the nervous system. It has nervine properties that can reduce nervous tension, relieve agitation and help the body relax. It is also very uplifting and soothing to the spirit. It has been approved by German authorities to be used for tension, anxiety and poor sleep.

This is considered to be a premier nervine which means that it calms down the nervous system and helps to relieve tension and anxiety. It is very relaxing and calming for an agitated mind and great for situations of extreme stress.

This is very calming on the nervous system when taken in a tea and has been approved for use by the German Commission E for use internally for insomnia, restlessness and nervous stomach irritations.